Clean and Press vs Power Clean

Overall Comparison

Metric Clean and Press Power Clean Difference Percent
Daily count 46 289 -243 -84%
Total lifts entered 200,794 871,497 -670,703 -77%

Male Comparison

Metric Clean and Press Power Clean Difference Percent
Average lift 175.6 lb 202.3 lb -26.7 lb -13%
Elite lift 311.6 lb 335.9 lb -24.3 lb -7%
Average bodyweight 179 lb 176.3 lb 2.7 lb 2%
Lifts analysed 41,474 156,723 -115,249 -74%

Female Comparison

Metric Clean and Press Power Clean Difference Percent
Average lift 92.5 lb 118.5 lb -26 lb -22%
Elite lift 177.1 lb 197.4 lb -20.3 lb -10%
Average bodyweight 144.9 lb 143.1 lb 1.8 lb 1%
Lifts analysed 10,885 41,158 -30,273 -74%