Behind The Neck Press vs Pendlay Row

Overall Comparison

Metric Behind The Neck Press Pendlay Row Difference Percent
Daily count 46 29 17 59%
Total lifts entered 41,279 169,496 -128,217 -76%

Male Comparison

Metric Behind The Neck Press Pendlay Row Difference Percent
Average lift 65.1 kg 90.6 kg -25.5 kg -28%
Elite lift 128.2 kg 147.9 kg -19.7 kg -13%
Average bodyweight 82.3 kg 80.6 kg 1.7 kg 2%
Lifts analysed 926 30,177 -29,251 -97%

Female Comparison

Metric Behind The Neck Press Pendlay Row Difference Percent
Average lift 34 kg 51.6 kg -17.6 kg -34%
Elite lift 63.7 kg 87.9 kg -24.3 kg -28%
Average bodyweight 65.3 kg 65.3 kg -0 kg -0%
Lifts analysed 0 2,344 -2,344 -100%