Bodyweight Calf Raise vs Behind The Neck Press

Overall Comparison

Metric Bodyweight Calf Raise Behind The Neck Press Difference Percent
Daily count 27 24 3 13%
Total lifts entered 26,390 41,315 -14,925 -36%

Male Comparison

Metric Bodyweight Calf Raise Behind The Neck Press Difference Percent
Average lift 244.8 kg 65.1 kg 179.8 kg 276%
Elite lift 611.5 kg 128.2 kg 483.3 kg 377%
Average bodyweight 76.4 kg 82.3 kg -5.8 kg -7%
Lifts analysed 1,738 926 812 88%

Female Comparison

Metric Bodyweight Calf Raise Behind The Neck Press Difference Percent
Average lift 137.4 kg 34 kg 103.4 kg 304%
Elite lift 281.1 kg 63.7 kg 217.4 kg 342%
Average bodyweight 62.5 kg 65.3 kg -2.8 kg -4%
Lifts analysed 0 0 0 -