Clean Pull vs Clean and Jerk

Overall Comparison

Metric Clean Pull Clean and Jerk Difference Percent
Daily count 1 75 -74 -99%
Total lifts entered 28,470 353,102 -324,632 -92%

Male Comparison

Metric Clean Pull Clean and Jerk Difference Percent
Average lift 232.9 lb 203.9 lb 29 lb 14%
Elite lift 445.2 lb 349.2 lb 96 lb 27%
Average bodyweight 171.9 lb 176.7 lb -4.7 lb -3%
Lifts analysed 392 61,876 -61,484 -99%

Female Comparison

Metric Clean Pull Clean and Jerk Difference Percent
Average lift 119.3 lb 120.9 lb -1.6 lb -1%
Elite lift 188.1 lb 200.9 lb -12.8 lb -6%
Average bodyweight 141.6 lb 143.8 lb -2.1 lb -1%
Lifts analysed 0 24,331 -24,331 -100%