Behind The Back Barbell Shrug vs Pendlay Row

Overall Comparison

Metric Behind The Back Barbell Shrug Pendlay Row Difference Percent
Daily count 2 29 -27 -93%
Total lifts entered 3,412 173,060 -169,648 -98%

Male Comparison

Metric Behind The Back Barbell Shrug Pendlay Row Difference Percent
Average lift 131.6 kg 90.6 kg 41 kg 45%
Elite lift 259.5 kg 147.9 kg 111.6 kg 75%
Average bodyweight 80.8 kg 80.6 kg 0.2 kg 0%
Lifts analysed 0 30,177 -30,177 -100%

Female Comparison

Metric Behind The Back Barbell Shrug Pendlay Row Difference Percent
Average lift 66.2 kg 51.6 kg 14.6 kg 28%
Elite lift 152 kg 87.9 kg 64.1 kg 73%
Average bodyweight 66.2 kg 65.3 kg 0.9 kg 1%
Lifts analysed 0 2,344 -2,344 -100%