Dumbbell Snatch vs Clean and Press

Overall Comparison

Metric Dumbbell Snatch Clean and Press Difference Percent
Daily count 25 19 6 32%
Total lifts entered 31,377 200,707 -169,330 -84%

Male Comparison

Metric Dumbbell Snatch Clean and Press Difference Percent
Average lift 76.2 lb 175.6 lb -99.4 lb -57%
Elite lift 158.8 lb 311.6 lb -152.8 lb -49%
Average bodyweight 180.3 lb 179 lb 1.4 lb 1%
Lifts analysed 729 41,474 -40,745 -98%

Female Comparison

Metric Dumbbell Snatch Clean and Press Difference Percent
Average lift 43.6 lb 92.5 lb -48.9 lb -53%
Elite lift 93.1 lb 177.1 lb -84 lb -47%
Average bodyweight 148.4 lb 144.9 lb 3.6 lb 2%
Lifts analysed 339 10,885 -10,546 -97%